Résumé : Le paradigme d’une carrière professionnelle linéaire qui a longtemps dominé se heurte aujourd’hui à des parcours plus instables, souvent interrompus par une ou plusieurs reconversions professionnelles. Pourtant, faire le choix d’entrer dans un dispositif en alternance, sous contrat d’apprentissage, pour y apprendre, à un âge avancé, un métier manuel ou technique, n’est pas anodin. Pour conférer un sens à cette démarche singulière, nous questionnons les événements à l’origine de celle-ci mais également l’événement que constitue par elle-même cette reconversion.
Mots-clés : reconversion professionnelle, formation en apprentissage, événement, approche biographique.
The importance of events in CFA adluts professionnal retrainings
Abstract : It is not an insignificant process to change of career by the vocational training in apprenticeship. However, adults who make this choice are determined. What are the drivers behind this move to action ? What is the event’s place in the career change ? If the process makes an event in the lives of these adults, it is itself driven by a series of events, starting with a triggering event. However, interviews revealed that the triggering factor is not necessarily a major event. However, and in an underlying way, it seems that the choice of the new profession is not a matter of chance, but rather is rooted in a family history whose content can only be revealed by biographical interviews. It is in this biographical material that one probably has to look for one or more significant events at the origin of the choice. Access to this data is nevertheless not without its problems, as the process seems to be self-evident to the people concerned.
Keywords : vocational training by apprenticeship, career changes, concept of event, biographical approach.