Résumé : Cet article tente d’analyser les tendances nouvelles constatées dans la didactique de l’enseignement civique en Grèce en rapport avec les exigences des enseignants et des élèves, ainsi que les nouveaux besoins socio-politiques. Nous nous proposons, entre autres, d’exposer la problématique créée par le phénomène de la pluralité des cultures, le débat sur l’interdisciplinarité et les difficultés institutionnelles inhérentes à l’éducation, et notamment au système éducatif grec.
Mots-clés : Grèce, citoyenneté, éducation civique, interdisciplinarité, pluralité des cultures, réforme éducative
Abstract : The socio-political developments in Greece during the 80s had a direct impact on political education’s orientation : The curriculum no longer aims at enforcing the student’s adjustment to community life but rather at the student becoming an active and critically thinking citizen. This paper brings the examination of curriculum change in Greece up to the present and the move from a content-driven examination of citizenship to a problem- and theme-based approach that is currently in the process of being introduced. In contemporary educational reality education for citizenship prevails as the basis on which formal education is conceived of and organized. The central discourse for education conceives the whole of the educational process, and not only the transmission of particular contents, as a public social and political task. The institutional difficulties and the didactical problems that cross-curricular innovations have brought in the civic education will be analyzed as well as the contradictions and the dilemmas related with multicultural education.
SPIRALE - Revue de Recherches en Éducation - 2004 N°34 (157-170)